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...without sacrificing your energy, free time, or fun.

(Yes, even if you’ve taken a few bold steps already and they didn't quite work out… yet.)

certified + spicy

Stop spinning your wheels. hopping between ideas, course, teachers

Finally follow through on the shit that matters by working with a coach who's in it with you until you get the things you want in life. Playfully blow up the resistance, limitations and unhelpful patterns… all while flirting with just how easy growth gets to be. 😘

You're tired of bouncing between seeing, believing and planning your rich AF life

then doubting, deferring and avoiding it all.

You're still not sipping margaritas by the pool, luxuriating in your time and financial freedom. 🍹

Well… fuck. You've finally come to the realisation this would be A LOT easier (and juicier) with a 1:1 coach…

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let's kaboom sh*t

A bright, bold, juicy AF life.

Fulfilling work. Deep emotional bonds with YOUR soul-people. More money to play with. A passionate existence, fuelled by a sense of meaning.

These things are all possible and calling to you.
In fact you might have already tried:


Starting numerous courses and programs…

But you are suffering from "Shiny Course Syndrome"

It sounds a bit like this. You start off FIRED UP. Soaking in the strategies of other teachers to arm yourself with the knowledge to copy / create what they have. You think, “If I can just get enough inspiration / motivation / clarity / [insert excuse here]”, then you’ll be able to create the same results. You experience some breakthroughs, convince yourself life is changing, only to get to the end of the course (if you make it that far, which hardy any of us do) to see that… nothing significant has shifted. Now, you’re feeling even worse, realising you put ALL your focus on another teacher / method rather than trusting in yourself.  This happens when you try to make discomfort and uncertainty something you can learn your way out of.  Bad news, baby. The results are in the feeling and the doing of the hard, scary things.


Explored working with another coach…

Then realise they’re better at marketing than caring about your results.

I’ve been here multiple times. You felt so seen in their webinar, you nearly dropped $15K in an instant. Maybe they were so smooth in their messaging and speaking to your challenges. You wanted to believe them, but something inside you hesitated. Whether it’s your gut that felt off, or your mind having questions - ultimately - you didn’t feel safe. You refuse to be seen as a number, to be pushed through a sales process, or to pay for someone to talk to that doesn’t really seem inversted in helping you create tangible outcomes (hello, that’s what friends are for). You need an experienced coach who cares and who actually delivers.


Disciplining and task-mastering yourself…

Except by this point, you’re running out of energy and tools.

You’re on top of your personal development… but you’re caught in a loop of thinking, planning, and taking mini (but no life-altering) action.  The problem is, your plans don’t stick. Sooner or later, they clash with your competing patterns and beliefs. Now, you choose between brute-forcing (disciplining self and burning outt) or back-pedalling (lowering your standards and pulling back on your vision). Both suck. There goes your motivation. You take a break from it all while you re-group on energy and wait for your your desires to whisper to you again. Shit ain’t moving.You’re doing a whole lot of thinking and justifying plateaus as ‘flow’. Everytime you do, you lose more belief it’s all actually possible for you.

un-vanilla coach

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Here is a question for you:

What if you could stop treading water and start seeing bold, tangible changes in your life?

  • Where instead of always feeling ‘overworked’ or ‘overstretched’ you finally have control... over your calendar, healthy boundaries at work and in relationships, a confident voice in meetings, and feel paid appropriately $.

  • Where you shift your relationship to pleasure... instead of resisting or over-indulging, you have balance and feel turned-on by your life. Dancing stupidly in the lounge room, making inappropriate noises at first bite of homemade sourdough ;) resurrecting your sexy spark that has you feeling alive. 

  • Where life feels rich and fulfilling... maybe you negotiated a 4-day work week. Using that time to start the side-hustle you’ve been dreaming of, write the book that’s been on the back-burner, or start becoming a thought leader in your space, creating content like the people you look up to.

  • Where you were no longer a struggling coach/creator/business owner who can’t get off the ground... your self-trust is solid, energy and action is consistent, and you’ve compiled a bunch of evidence that your work is only gaining momentum (like energy-giving clients and money hitting your bank account!).

  • Where you have total freedom of expression, time feels abundant, and you’ve got uncapped earning potential... you back yourself, coach yourself, and celebrate yourself: in business, at work, and at home.

  • You know how to create whatever the fuck you want... and you know your growth is the best investment you ever make.



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Hi, I'm Steph 💋 
Your Certified and spicy Life CoacH.

I’ll be real with you - getting to this point of juicy AF living wasn’t entirely easy for me. When I first started taking my growth seriously, I spent a lot of time avoiding rather than trusting myself. I tried…


  • ❌ reading books and listening to podcasts, without taking meaningful action.

  • ❌ structuring and disciplining myself into habits so I was “dedicated”... but never staying consistent.

  • ❌ investing over $10k in a coaching mastermind group, but left feeling disconnected without the hands-on support, encouragement, and motivation I was craving.


That's when it hit me. Disapproval, looking to others, and disciplining myself into the life I wanted wasn’t very effective. And it felt shit.

So I started to build new foundations. Trust in my desires, energy, strategy, and pleasure.


This time, I really started to see the results I'd been working towards for so long:


  • ✅ Complete freedom in how I spend my time, without guilt. I choose to work 25 hrs, with 1+ day a week dedicated to deep and creative work.

  • ✅ Growing bank account $ and wealth pathways, dropping the money struggle and scarcity.

  • ✅ Ease, flow, playfulness, and fire 🔥 in my daily life,. While moving towards my biggest dreams and desires.

  • ✅ Mission expanding with the intent to serve thousands, no longer stuck in survival mode.


The best thing? My life is the most extraordinary, turned-on, and easeful it’s ever been…
and shit just keeps getting better. 




“Within a couple months I manifested an ideal [work] situation that I didn't even think was possible for me… That I am like, holy shit, I could not have crafted this better myself. And she really opened me up to like this power that I can manifest anything I fucking want.”


My coaching is broken down into 3 key phases to help you build and trust in your own process for creating long-lasting, life-changing results on repeat.


All while making pleasure, play, and anti-hustle as your non-negotiables.

Phase 1:
Build your sexy base

Solidify your desires, beliefs and self-trust, so you have the fuel plus a firm foundation for creating transformational change.

Focus on freedom and overflow by creating the mental, emotional and physical space necessary to welcome in - and maintain - your desires and expanded reality.

Phase 2:
create your epic, consistent method

Playfully create your unique method for cultivating your best year yet - with nudges, love, and plenty of shortcuts along the way.

Deepen into your emotions, clean up your actions, and address the patterns that have held you back in the past from creating what you desire. 


Do the hard, scary things that are aligned with your desires to see real results, real fast (like improvements in health, wealth, relationships)... building momentum and deepening how you lead and coach yourself.

Phase 3:
sprinkle the magic and "fuck yes" energy 

Explore the upper limits of just how good life gets to be for you. Learning to experience more creativity, pleasure, life force energy and turn-on in your everyday.

It’s not always going to be perfect… but fuck yes sign me up for more daily magic and aliveness.

Welcome to

BESt YEar Yet

MY SIGNATURE 6-month coaching program

Create your expansive, juicy AF life without sacrificing your energy, free time or fun.

Not in 10 years. Not even in 1 year.  Now, in this program.

Your best year yet.

This is an intimate, 1:1 container with Steph as your certified and spicy life coach. It's impossible to fully capture in a few words the safety, transformations, and magic that happen in a 6-month container. Let's experience it together. 🔥

Topics we'll cover:

With deep dive coaching available into topics like: 




Sexy Structure



Voice & Expression



Abundance Mindset

Upper Limits



What's included:

Weekly 1:1 coaching (3/4 weeks a month - were deep work happens)

Accountability ritual (tailored system based on what excites & drives you uniquely)

Whatsapp support (Cheerleader/coach/sounding board/booty kicker - when you need it)

Self-coaching resources (spice up the mundane… and deal with the day-to-day shit)

bonus 1
vip intensive

Kick off our 6 months together.

Let's get straight the good shit together. 1/2 day workshop, playful expansion and juicy AF coaching.

Clarify desires, goals, & strategy.

bonus 2
Harrison package

1 questionnaire, 10+ reports.


Understand yourself, your relationship to work & how to get it aligned AF using this powerful psychometric tool. 


book a call

Choose your schedule for a personalised session

MORE Client love

“As a coach, Steph has this way of pushing you gently out of your shit, out of your comfort zone, and into her world of awesomeness… She isn’t living from a box, which allows me to not have boxes.


It allows me to try on something different, get rid of the boxes and be able to ask “why can't I be like that? Why can't I think of life that way? That sounds pretty nice. Let me just try it on.” 

She’s ushering in a bolder way of living than I think some people even know is possible for you. For me personally - she helped me come back to this reality.

I was not put on this planet, jumping through the hoops of becoming a human being or a soul into a body, to just be boring and miserable, all grey and wet-blankety. I’m here to have a fucking fun life, man. A big, beautiful, fun life.”


- Ari


Fire Dance Show

@2024 Work Well Warriors.

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